Hale Adasal founder of JustEnterpriseCC in her capacity as Chair (2019-2021) of the local Community Environment Network (CEN) created and developed CEN YOUTH for young people between 16-24 years of age to pursue social and environmental justice issues. An avenue to mentor and engage young people on the Central Coast in developing their skills and knowledge to become active with issues that are important to them.
"Hale' Adasal's ability to engage wide cross sections of our community is extraordinary, she is a natural for bringing people together."
John Asquith OAM Chair- Community Environment Network, Central Coast
John Asquith OAM Chair- Community Environment Network, Central Coast
Localism and the Circular Economy
Our First Australians recognized as one of the oldest living cultures in the world are also one of the most socially inclusive societies, as are many traditional cultures across the globe. Everyone had a role to play. The kinship system expanded to hundreds within a community and locality, distinct in its geography, culture, language and produce to trade and exchange. Traditional cultures practiced ‘localism’ – the practice of living, eating, growing and living within a specific locality - for thousands of years and generations. The trade routes within this economy allowed the exchange of reciprocal gifts of foods and goods. This built on relations and kin networks fulfilling obligations and responsibilities to the land which in turn ensured the kin to survive and the continuation of the life cycle. Colonialism began the centralization of politics, economies and culture which resulted in excluding communities and cultures who practiced reciprocal exchanges and imposed through force the non-reciprocal, linear transactions as opposed to relational and interdependent interactions between communities and nations, this one directional and dimensional economic model, that is Globalisation.
Excerpt from Founder Hale Adasal's, Masters Research Report, ‘Localism’ on the Central Coast - Paving the way for the future?
Excerpt from Founder Hale Adasal's, Masters Research Report, ‘Localism’ on the Central Coast - Paving the way for the future?
As a member of the International Alliance for Localisation IAL. I'm responding to the question - What does Local mean to me? It means community, belonging, local farmers, elders, youth and connection to place. Community is Everything. |