We must be like nature ...We must be like nature. Nature is diverse, connected, interdependent, restorative, and regenerative which has with time generated resilient communities of species and natural wonder. Those of us who are lucky enough when enjoying our natural environment understand and recognize this fact. Our human communities must also learn once more to practice the art of 'localism' and understand that our reliance on one another and the natural world is essential for our survival for generations to come.
On the Central Coast the community strategic plan initiated by the Central Coast Council (after the amalgamation of Gosford and Wyong Councils) relied on extensive community consultation and identified five key themes that the community recognised as being important: Belonging, Green, Liveable, Smart and Responsible. If this is what our community wants then why are local groups constantly fighting against over development on the Central Coast that are in contradiction to the themes the community recognises as important. Our governments at all levels need to ensure that two criteria are met before they move forward on any development. Firstly, is it necessary? Second, does it benefit the majority or benefit the common good? If no is the answer, the development should not go ahead and if yes to both then the community should be consulted in the design and planning stage to ensure the identified themes of Belonging, Green, Liveable, Smart and Responsible are met in any development. |
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